Jasiri Journeys is a recently registered NPO who's focus are documentaries based on stories on individuals who against all odds still managed to do incredible things the focus of this first set of documentaries was about Jan a painter who eventually lost his vision.
These assets were all custom created in After Effects And illustrator.
Embedded below are the final videos... More videos available on my youtube channel.

Reefilm Renders visuals imposed on videos on images or store front videos to market and pitch the agency's new screens.
Done in Adobe After effects.
Music promotion video Rotoscope tester (unstabalised footage)

The Below video is a video recap edited in premiere pro showing project progress link to final site will be attached.
An Older Wix site where we were required to put together a game concept and website to advertise said game assets were created in illustrator and Maya videos in after effects and website in wix.

Product 3D models
More models on sketchfab
The brief was a branding project for a concert and merchandising based on a particular genre of music. My chosen genre was Afropunk and for the art style color scheme and branding I took inspiration from some of the patterned body paint and African styled motifs and imagery.

Photo manipulation
Logo Design